a. Personal Hygiene
b. Regular health checkup
c. Importance of yoga and meditation
d. Positive living e. Sexual and reproductive health
2. Basic HIV Information: a. Modes of HIV transmission b. HIV life cycle and living with HIV c. Disclosure issues
3. Diet and Nutrition: a. Balanced diet
b. Nutritional demo c. Kitchen garden promotion d. Timely intake of food
4. Home-based Care: a. First aid care b. Basic information to care givers c. Palliative care
5. OI Management and Co-infection a. Types of OIs and their symptoms b. Treatment for OIs c. follow up
6. Treatment Adherence: a. antiretroviral therapy, Tuberculosis & STI b. CD4 count
c. Treatment scheduled. Viral load
7. Treatment Education: a. first line and second line ART b. Side effects of ART
8. Positive Prevention: a. Safe sex b. Positive prevention and condom promotion
c. Discordant couples.
9. Social Events & Livelihoods: a. Government schemes b. Facilitation of local donor support c. Income Generation Programmes etc.