The SSpS congregation is a Religious Order founded in 1889. Its members offer their services in various fields such as women empowerment, health care, education, social work, counseling, special care of PLHIV, promotion of justice, peace & integrity of human life & sustainable development.
Vishwas is a project by the Holy Spirit Sisters {Pavitra Atma Sevika Sangh} in response to the alarming situation of HIV/AIDS in Indore and the surrounding districts. Vishwas has completed its fifteen years of humanitarian service in the field of HIV/AIDS. As an organization, Vishwas renders its services to People Living with HIV {PLHIV} and help them to achieve their rightful place in the society. It undertakes a holistic approach towards PLHIV, by helping them to recover from the Syndrome and restoring social assimilation by ending discrimination against them. Vishwas acts as a protecting and supporting canopy