Medical service to PLHIV is one of the humanitarian approaches that we have at Vishwas. OPD services are provided thrice a week. This includes medical consultation, medication and referral services free of cost. Besides this, we offer monetary support to the needy patients for investigations, medicines, nutritional supplements and surgeries as per the need.
Help for Additional Nutrition
We help those who require additional nutritional supplements with protein powder, milk, egg and iron supplements. HIV patients are more prone to tuberculosis. During the course of anti-tuberculosis treatment most of the patients require additional supplements. Due to poverty, they are unable to meet this need. Besides this, they fail to adhere to the treatment and become a source of TB transmission to others. Through our support we prevent this infection by proper monitoring and assistance.
Children are one of the major assets of the nation. We as citizens have the responsibility to care and ensure their holistic development. Most PLHIV belong to low income group. Therefore, they are unable to provide basic education to their children.
Ration Supprot
Poverty and malnutrition are very common among these patients. Due to the repeated attack of opportunistic infection most of them spend all the money they have for the medical treatment. This results in insufficient investment on food that leads to malnutrition. Therefore we support them by giving rations for 3 months assessing their need. Most of them revive their general condition within 3 months and are able to earn their livelihood and live in the society with dignity.
Realizing our responsibility towards these less privileged HIV affected and infected children, after an adequate need assessment we help them with fees, books and uniforms. Education not only ensures a secure future but also changes their attitude towards life.